Home 5 Clinical Diagnostics Insider 5 Alliance Promotes Greater Understanding of Genomics

Alliance Promotes Greater Understanding of Genomics

by | Feb 21, 2017 | Clinical Diagnostics Insider, Diagnostic Testing and Emerging Technologies, Testing Trends-dtet

From - Diagnostic Testing & Emerging Technologies The case has been made repeatedly over the past few years regarding the need to increase physicians' genomics knowledge. Now, for the first time… . . . read more

The case has been made repeatedly over the past few years regarding the need to increase physicians’ genomics knowledge. Now, for the first time, there are efforts underway to establish a global genomics nursing alliance to advance genomics in routine nursing practice.

The Global Genomics Nursing Alliance (G2NA) project says that nurses have a pivotal role in bringing the benefits of genomics to everyday health care. To do this, they say, a global effort is needed to transform nursing policy, practice, education and research.

“Embracing genomic healthcare requires a prepared workforce that can inform, educate and empower people,” Kathleen Calzone, from the U.S. National Cancer Institute told delegates at a three-day summit held at the Wellcome Genome Campus in the United Kingdom (Jan. 22-25). “This represents a significant challenge as deficits in nurses’ knowledge and skills in genomics are widely acknowledged.”

The summit delegates agreed to focus action in the core areas of improving education and workforce development, collaborating and communicating across borders and professional groups, and transforming health care through policy development. G2NA will also develop a Roadmap that will enable nurses to assess their organization’s genomics development, compared to national and sub-national benchmarks; share a nursing resource toolkit on genetics, and establish partnerships for consultation and collaboration.

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