Advertise with Us

Capture the attention of laboratory industry professionals with tailored advertising solutions, ensuring maximum exposure for your brand

G2 Intelligence Advertiser Media Kit

Founded over 30 years ago, G2 Intelligence is a premier information services provider catering to the dynamic needs of the medical laboratory industry. Our mission is to empower lab managers, professionals, and industry leaders to navigate legal requirements, optimize operational efficiency, enhance clinical quality, and drive profitability.

Monthly Reports

G2 Intelligence Lab Industry Advisor Report

Lab Industry Advisor is a subscription-based, online briefing that keeps readers up to date on the latest legal, compliance, and business developments affecting the lab industry. Lab Industry Advisor offers analysis and insight from expert sources to help lab leaders meet their financial and business goals.

G2 Intelligence Clinical Diagnostics Insider

Clinical Diagnostics Insider, a spinoff of Lab Industry Advisor, is a subscription-based, online resource aimed at clinical lab scientists. It provides in-depth expert analysis of emerging diagnostics tests and disruptive technologies in the lab industry.

Webinars & Digital Events

G2 Intelligence Webinars<br />

Webinar presentations offer expert advice and education on critical topics for medical lab professionals, covering the legal, regulatory, compliance, and science and technology aspects of the industry throughout the year. Our 2024 calendar includes 11 webinars.

G2 Intelligence Lab Institute Digital Event

Lab Institute is a free virtual, two-day event including a variety of experts focused on one key theme in the medical lab industry. Including at least six presentations, our virtual events help lab leaders stay current on the latest requirements for labs and connect them with experts who offer solutions to the most pressing problems facing medical labs today. We plan to offer both a spring and fall Lab Institute in 2024.


G2 Intelligence connects with a diverse audience of over 33,000 professionals in the medical laboratory industry. Our audience includes laboratory managers, clinical scientists, compliance officers, billing and coding specialists, and industry leaders. We cater to a wide range of roles encompassing laboratory operations, regulatory compliance, financial management, and technological innovation.

G2 Intelligence Website Audience


Annual Website Visitors

G2 Intelligence Email Marketing Audience


Digital Audience
Contacts we can reach via marketing emails/eNewsletters

G2 Intelligence Social Media Audience


Social Media
LinkedIn and X (Twitter) combined

Job Role

G2 Intelligence Audience Overview Job Roles

Organization Type

G2 Intelligence Audience Overview Organization Type

Advertisement Opportunities

Lab Institute Digital Events

Our G2 Lab Institute digital event sponsorships provide a platform to engage with our premier audience of laboratory and industry leaders, generating top-tier leads in the process.

G2 Intelligence Lab Institute Event

Planned Lab Institute themes for 2024 include:

Finding Opportunities to Maximize Efficiency

Key Industry Developments Affecting Clinical Labs

G2 Intelligence Lab Institute Digital Event

Average number of registrants per Lab Institute digital event

Sponsorship Opportunities

Webinar Series

G2 Intelligence offers custom and out-of-the-box webinar options that connect your brand to an engaged audience of lab leaders and decision-makers.

All sponsored webinars are led by industry experts who are selected by the G2 Intelligence team. You provide your logo, and we’ll do the rest.

G2 Intelligence Webinar Sponsorship

2024 webinar topics:

February: Billing and Coding

March: Staffing

April: PAMA and Legislation

May: False Claims and Whistleblowers

June: Lab Sales and Marketing

July: CLIA and Lab Quality

August: Technology

September: Genetic Testing

October: HIPAA and Cybersecurity

November: FDA Issues

December: OSHA

Sponsors receive:

• Company logo on the downloadable content on the website for at least four months

• Registrant list that includes:

• Registrants’ name

• Company name

• Contact information

G2 Intelligence Webinars

Average number of registrants per webinar

Custom Webinars

Elevate your business as a pioneer in the field and an authority on the subject by collaborating with our team to craft a tailored webinar. Customized webinars serve as excellent platforms for showcasing your latest products, spotlighting emerging technologies, or offering valuable insights and guidance on novel applications.

G2 Intelligence Custom Webinars

Sponsors receive:

• Speaking spot

• Two handouts downloadable by the audience

• Company logo on the downloadable content on the website for at least four months

• Registrant list that includes:

• Registrants’ name

• Company name

• Contact information

G2 Intelligence Webinars

Average number of registrants per webinar

Digital Display

Dynamic banner advertising on helps you attract the right audience at the right time. Advertising on a trusted source such as G2 Intelligence leads to better brand recall and builds trust from potential buyers. (News Media Canada, 2020).

G2 Intelligence Digital Advertising Opportunities

Available banner ad positions:

Web advertisement
Boombox banner size 300 x 250

Newsletter advertisement
Banner size 250 x 250


Average monthly traffic to

G2 Intelligence average monthly website users

Monthly Users

G2 Intelligence average monthly website sessions

Monthly Sessions

G2 Intelligence average monthly pageviews

Monthly Pageviews

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