The American Association for Clinical Chemistry (AACC) is calling for harmonization of clinical laboratory test results to help patients receive appropriate diagnosis and treatment. In a statement released Nov. 22, AACC noted that the few laboratory tests that have been harmonized to date, such as those for cholesterol, glucose, and hemoglobin A1c, have made a marked positive impact on diagnosis and treatment of heart disease and diabetes. “In addition to improved patient care, harmonizing these tests may also lead to reduction in health care spending,” said the association. “As a striking example, the initiative to harmonize cholesterol tests only cost $1.7 million per year, while the health benefits it has yielded now save more than $338 million annually.” To ensure that progress in harmonizing all types of test results continues, AACC has spearheaded the International Consortium for Harmonization of Clinical Laboratory Results, an oversight body that will organize the worldwide effort to harmonize the most important diagnostic tests. Takeaway: Harmonization of diagnostic test results improves patient care and can help reduce health care costs. …

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