Home 5 Lab Industry Advisor 5 Essential 5 Aurora Diagnostics Acquires West Georgia Pathology

Aurora Diagnostics Acquires West Georgia Pathology

by | Feb 23, 2015 | Essential, Laboratory Industry Report, Reimbursement-lir

Aurora Diagnostics, the Florida-based pathology operator, has entered the Georgia market with the acquisition of West Georgia Pathology LLC. The hospital-based practice is located in Carrolton, Ga., about an hour’s drive west of Atlanta. West Georgia Pathology, which has four physicians, provides pathology services to Tanner Health System, a nonprofit that operates three hospitals in western Georgia. “West Georgia is a well-known provider of pathology services in the local region,” said Daniel D. Crowley, Aurora’s chief executive officer in a statement. “Aurora can provide West Georgia with the resources and structure it needs to continue its growth in the region while maintaining focus on its local patients.” Crowley added that “we are a natural fit for local pathology practices that want a corporate home as industry consolidation continues.” Terms of the transaction were not disclosed. “We look forward to beginning this partnership with Aurora Diagnostics, and we know that the corporate support it provides will advance and improve our practice in West Georgia,” said Lawrence M. Alligood, M.D., of West Georgia Pathology. “As part of a national network, we are eager to work alongside many other exceptional pathologists while remaining a locally based provider.” Standalone pathology practices have been hit […]

Aurora Diagnostics, the Florida-based pathology operator, has entered the Georgia market with the acquisition of West Georgia Pathology LLC. The hospital-based practice is located in Carrolton, Ga., about an hour’s drive west of Atlanta. West Georgia Pathology, which has four physicians, provides pathology services to Tanner Health System, a nonprofit that operates three hospitals in western Georgia. “West Georgia is a well-known provider of pathology services in the local region,” said Daniel D. Crowley, Aurora’s chief executive officer in a statement. “Aurora can provide West Georgia with the resources and structure it needs to continue its growth in the region while maintaining focus on its local patients.” Crowley added that “we are a natural fit for local pathology practices that want a corporate home as industry consolidation continues.” Terms of the transaction were not disclosed. “We look forward to beginning this partnership with Aurora Diagnostics, and we know that the corporate support it provides will advance and improve our practice in West Georgia,” said Lawrence M. Alligood, M.D., of West Georgia Pathology. “As part of a national network, we are eager to work alongside many other exceptional pathologists while remaining a locally based provider.” Standalone pathology practices have been hit hard by numerous reimbursement cuts in recent years, leading many practices to merge or even close, industry observers say. Aurora spokesperson Bill Halldin said the company is currently negotiating to acquire other pathology practices but disclosed to comment further. The purchase now has Aurora operating pathology practices in 15 states, including Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Texas, and the Carolinas in the South and Southeast. Takeaway: Aurora Diagnostics continues to take advantage of a soft market to acquire more pathology practices in various parts of the country.

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