Clinical Diagnostics Insider

(formerly Diagnostic Testing and Emerging Technologies)

Keep up to date on new and emerging diagnostic tests, testing trends and opportunities, and disruptive technologies

Surviving a Cyberattack

When it comes to cyberattacks, the threat is “when,” not “if”—and labs must be prepared to mitigate, contain, and recover from breaches

Abstract representation of a cyberattack showing a warning symbol (a red triangle around an exclamation mark) against a background of binary code

FDA Watch: Expanded Label Clearance Opens Cologuard to a Younger Market

September was an eventful month for one of the hottest products on the consumer genetic test market, the Cologuard multi-target stool DNA test (mtSDNA) for colorectal cancer screening produced by Exact Sciences. The month started badly with the release of a CMS-sponsored research report finding Cologuard “less effective and considerably more costly” than alternatives. Although Exact Sciences quickly criticized the report and its analytical methodology, its stock took a beating.