Dx Deals: BD Laboratory Business Is Up for Grabs in Bold Move
Becton Dickinson divisions responsible for $3.4 billion in annual revenue are on the block
Becton Dickinson divisions responsible for $3.4 billion in annual revenue are on the block
Counterfeit COVID-19 tests are being illegally imported into the US and being distributed to unsuspecting consumers across the country.
A briefing on how labs should prepare for the inevitable end of the PHE after more than two years of unprecedented relief.
In this month’s Business Roundup, we cover key happenings including Medicare coverage and reimbursement, as well as the US surpassing Europe as medtech’s market of choice.
Healthcare M&A might have bottomed out in the first quarter of 2022 in terms of both deal volume and size, according to a new report.
InspectIR COVID-19 device detects the virus from breath samples in less than three minutes, offering a new screening option.
The recently-formed Precision Cancer Consortium will make it easier for cancer patients around the world to get access to genomic testing.
The HHS recently published previously confidential data relating to consolidation of hospitals and nursing homes enrolled in Medicare.
The FDA has plans to ensure COVID-19 test makers won’t be left high and dry when the public health emergency ends.
Key points to educate your staff on when it comes to patient requests for test records and other protected health information.
In this month’s key cases, Myriad Genetics shells out, Illumina wins a decisive victory, a whistleblower suit is tossed, and false billing of UDTs costs a lab at least $11.6 million.