The Benefits of Group A Streptococcus NAAT
Labs that invested heavily in POC molecular tests during COVID-19 are well positioned to leverage this equipment toward GAS diagnostics
Labs that invested heavily in POC molecular tests during COVID-19 are well positioned to leverage this equipment toward GAS diagnostics
From - Lab Compliance Advisor
Like many labs, you may outsource your billing and coding to an outside medical billing company. While this…
By Sean McSweeney bio
Does your orthopedic billing company charge a percentage of collections for their coding and billing…
By Leora Borgenicht bio
Before the healthcare industry can ambitiously transform to offer more accurate and personalized patient care, certain stepping stones must…
From - Lab Compliance Advisor
As a lab compliance director, you understand the dangers of obstructing a Medicare audit. The problem is…
From - G2 Compliance Advisor
A Managed Care Organization (MCO) wants to pay providers incentives to increase early and periodic screenings, diagnostic and treatment (EPSDT) services to…