Six Sigma Can Help Monitor New CLIA Proficiency Testing Changes
A PT update went into effect on January 1, focusing on revised acceptance limits, among other modifications
Practical, “What-to-Do” and “How-to-Do-It” Help to Comply with the Latest State & Federal Laws, Rules & Regulations that Affect Your Diagnostic Lab or Pathology Practice
A PT update went into effect on January 1, focusing on revised acceptance limits, among other modifications
From - G2 Compliance Advisor
False Claims Act (FCA) and Anti-Kickback (AKS) prosecutions against labs are just two ways the US Justice Department cracks down on…
From - G2 Compliance Advisor
We'll leave it to others to argue whether it's legal, moral or wise. What we can tell you is that President Trump issued an Executive Order Jan. 27, 2017, establishing a…
From - G2 Compliance Advisor
Earlier this month we told you about a $475,000 settlement one provider reached in a HIPAA breach notification case. Privacy lapses can occur despite…
From - G2 Compliance Advisor
There are many benefits laboratories can't provide to beneficiaries or referral sources without running afoul of the Anti-Kickback Statute. New changes to safe harbor regulations, however…
From - G2 Compliance Advisor
Patient health information breaches—whether from hacking, glitches or just plain old carelessness…