Staffing: 2024’s Biggest Lab Operations Challenge
ADLM president Anthony Killeen looks at labs’ staffing struggles in 2024 and what can be done to alleviate them in the coming year
ADLM president Anthony Killeen looks at labs’ staffing struggles in 2024 and what can be done to alleviate them in the coming year
By Lâle White bio
As XIFIN predicted, the PAMA reporting exercise has resulted in significant proposed laboratory fee cuts. In fact…
From - Laboratory Industry Report
Consumerism, patient empowerment and affordability are key drivers in the modern medical industry. One of the key manifestations of…
There is a lot of talk about quality these days, but there is often confusion around quality terminology
By Jennifer Dawson, MHA, LSSBB, DLM(ASCP) bio
Now before the entire industry lynches me for the sacrilege of the title of this article, let me explain what I mean. I have known Lean Six Sigma skeptics and outright haters and trust me…
By Dan Scungio, MT (ASCP), SLS, CQA (ASQ) bio
Finding information about the number of Laboratory Acquired Infections (LAIs) and other laboratory injuries in the United States is difficult…
From - Laboratory Industry Report
When it comes to measuring Dx product effectiveness, few things speak louder than the attitudes of ordering physicians. With that in mind…
By Dan Scungio, MT (ASCP), SLS, CQA (ASQ) bio
Let me tell you a story. Once upon a time, there was a laboratory manager who worked in a hospital that was designing a new stand-alone emergency department building which would include a…
From - Laboratory Industry Report
There is a great need for better tools to diagnose concussion. Currently, there is no single marker or panel of markers in widespread clinical use and diagnosis remains based on clinical…