Dx Deals: BD Laboratory Business Is Up for Grabs in Bold Move
Becton Dickinson divisions responsible for $3.4 billion in annual revenue are on the block
Keep up to date on the latest legal, compliance, and business developments affecting the lab industry, while offering analysis and insight to ensure your lab’s success.
Becton Dickinson divisions responsible for $3.4 billion in annual revenue are on the block
Recent cases involve Medicare’s 14-Day Rule, improper PHI disclosure to a media outlet, kickbacks, and COVID-19 fraud.
Robin Divine, MBA, president and CEO of TriCore Reference Laboratories, discusses key recent developments in the lab industry and predictions for 2024.
Comments on the FDA’s proposed rule to regulate LDTs as in vitro diagnostic devices reveal mixed reactions.
Genialis CEO and co-founder Rafael Rosengarten, PhD, discusses key 2023 AI developments and what they could mean for laboratories.
First marketing authorization of a blood test assessing genetic variants related to cancer opens the door for clearance of similar tests.
Lisa-Jean Clifford of Gestalt Diagnostics, discusses key trends, challenges, and solutions in data analytics for clinical labs.
Five strategies for lab leaders to focus on to tackle the challenges of today and ensure future success.
Standard 1910.1450 requires labs to have a chemical hygiene plan.
Approaching laboratory safety from a diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility perspective.
Artificial intelligence models have a valuable role to play in each phase of the total testing process.