Cigna has added an exception to its national genetic testing payment policy that will allow for coverage of the services when provided by certain additional genetic counselors, according to the College of American Pathologists (CAP). Cigna notified CAP that the exception would be published as part of Cigna’s national policy on Feb. 15. Under the exception, a genetic counselor employed or contracted with a laboratory, which is also part of an integrated health system that routinely delivers health care services, may see patients and secure prior authorization for testing. Previously, these genetic counselors were not permitted to provide services nor secure authorizations for testing to be performed at their integrated delivery systems under Cigna’s policy. Effective Sept. 15, 2013, Cigna became the first U.S. health insurer to require genetic counseling and prior authorization nationwide before covering tests for hereditary breast and ovarian cancer, colon cancer, and a heart disorder, long QT syndrome. The genetic counseling occurs either face-to-face or over the phone through a Florida firm. According to Cigna, this will prove individuals with the opportunity to become fully informed about these complex genetic tests. According to CAP, Cigna says it will cover genetic testing as medically necessary when a…

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