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News-At-A-Glance: Changes for Medicare Secondary Payer Contractor

by | Feb 23, 2015 | CMS-lca, Essential, Lab Compliance Advisor

Medicare’s Coordination of Benefits Contractor is now known as the Benefits Coordination and Recovery Center (BCRC), according to a recent MLN Matters (MM) article (SE 1416). The MM article provides new contact, address, and Internet address information for the BCRC. SE 1416 updates a previous article that describes initiatives used to make sure that the Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP) information is up-to-date and accurate. The MM instructs providers to make sure appropriate staff are aware of options for updating a beneficiary’s MSP information and the new contact information and name of the new contractor. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has implemented a process to obtain up-to-date information from private insurers for the BCRC about coverage. The BCRC initiatives provide information for providers trying to update a beneficiary’s records. In order to resolve errors and conflicts in the MSP files, after April 4 files will not be updated based on a telephone call. Providers must give proof of information by fax or mail on the employer’s company letterhead. Alternatively, the beneficiary or the insurer will need to contact the BCRC. CMS and the BCRC believe that this policy will reduce the number of errors in the MSP files […]

Medicare’s Coordination of Benefits Contractor is now known as the Benefits Coordination and Recovery Center (BCRC), according to a recent MLN Matters (MM) article (SE 1416). The MM article provides new contact, address, and Internet address information for the BCRC. SE 1416 updates a previous article that describes initiatives used to make sure that the Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP) information is up-to-date and accurate. The MM instructs providers to make sure appropriate staff are aware of options for updating a beneficiary’s MSP information and the new contact information and name of the new contractor. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has implemented a process to obtain up-to-date information from private insurers for the BCRC about coverage. The BCRC initiatives provide information for providers trying to update a beneficiary’s records. In order to resolve errors and conflicts in the MSP files, after April 4 files will not be updated based on a telephone call. Providers must give proof of information by fax or mail on the employer’s company letterhead. Alternatively, the beneficiary or the insurer will need to contact the BCRC. CMS and the BCRC believe that this policy will reduce the number of errors in the MSP files because of the requirement for proof of information.

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