Home 5 Lab Industry Advisor 5 Essential 5 OIG Issues Genetic Testing Fraud Alert

OIG Issues Genetic Testing Fraud Alert

by | Jul 15, 2019 | Essential, National Lab Reporter, News-nir, OIG-nir

From - National Intelligence Report On June 3, the OIG issued a fraud alert warning of a genetic testing fraud scheme. According to the OIG, scammers are using… . . . read more

On June 3, the OIG issued a fraud alert warning of a genetic testing fraud scheme. According to the OIG, scammers are using telemarketing calls, booths at health fairs and public events and door-to-door visits offering Medicare beneficiaries cheek swabs for genetic testing. The objective is to get beneficiaries to reveal their Medicare information and use that information for fraudulent billing and/or identity theft. If the beneficiary agrees to genetic testing or verifies personal or Medicare information, a testing kit is sent even if it’s not ordered by a physician or medically necessary. The fraud alert lists the things beneficiaries can do to protect themselves, including:

  • Not accepting a genetic testing kit mailed to them unless their physician ordered it;
  • Keeping a record of the sender’s name and the date you returned the items; and
  • Being suspicious of anyone who offers them free genetic testing and then requests their Medicare number

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