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Struggling with Staying Informed? In the fast-paced world of diagnostic medicine, staying updated with the latest legal, compliance, regulatory, and industry insights is crucial. Yet, finding reliable and comprehensive information can be overwhelming and time-consuming.
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Latest Articles
XiFin’s Payor Rate Transparency Monitor Helps Clinical Labs Compare In-Network Rates
The free online tool can set a foundation for renewed reimbursement strategies and contract negotiations with insurance carriers
Is an Antibody Test for Early Detection of Lyme Disease Feasible?
Recent study suggests a new test may help doctors detect Lyme disease during the early stages when treatment is likely to be more effective.
Pancreatic Cancer Is Caught Sooner When Regular Screening Done
A recent study shows that most patients who underwent such screening were diagnosed at an earlier stage than those who did not.
Combining Certain Genetic Tests for Heart Conditions Provides Better Results
A recent study shows that combined cardiomyopathy and arrhythmia genetic testing catches things disease-specific testing would miss.
New Guidelines Recommend Molecular Testing for Pediatric Brain Cancer Treatment
For labs, the big takeaway is how prominently molecular testing and profiling figures in so many aspects of the NCCN’s recommendations.
Repeat At-Home COVID-19 Antigen Tests to Avoid False Negatives, FDA Says
The agency is advising people to perform repeat, or serial testing after a negative result, regardless of symptoms.
Telehealth Doesn’t Discourage In-Person Care or Drive Wasteful Use
Two recent studies show that most people see telehealth as a supplement to in-person visits, rather than a replacement.
Getting Paid: How to Complete the ABN Form
Completing the Advance Beneficiary Notice of Noncoverage form can be extremely complex; this guide helps simplify the process.
Inform Diagnostics Pays $16M to Settle False Billing Allegations
In this Labs in Court monthly roundup, the Texas-based pathology lab was accused of falsely billing Medicare for unnecessary tests on biopsy specimens.
Do Whistleblowers Get a Share of What’s Recovered in Related Criminal Actions?
How much, if any, should a whistleblower get of what the government recovers in criminal or related legal actions resulting from a qui tam suit?
How Labs Can Avoid Problems When It Comes to Standing Orders
New CMS guidance includes information on how labs can avoid Medicare claims denials and documentation violations related to standing orders.