Home 5 Clinical Diagnostics Insider 5 Phone-Based Genetic Counseling Supports Healthy Genome Sequencing

Phone-Based Genetic Counseling Supports Healthy Genome Sequencing

by | Jun 5, 2017 | Clinical Diagnostics Insider, Diagnostic Testing and Emerging Technologies, Testing Trends-dtet

From - Diagnostic Testing & Emerging Technologies Also at the ACMG meeting, researchers from Illumina (San Diego, Calif.) reported on a pilot project conducted at the San Diego Blood Bank where… . . . read more

Also at the ACMG meeting, researchers from Illumina (San Diego, Calif.) reported on a pilot project conducted at the San Diego Blood Bank where whole-genome sequencing was offered to a demographically diverse group of 70 blood donors. Certified genetic counselors from InformedDNA conducted post-test telephone genetic counseling sessions with the participating blood donors. Interviews included family and medical history collection, results disclosure, follow-up recommendations, and psychosocial assessment. Counseling metrics were calculated and compared to results from the 2016 National Society of Genetic Counselors Professional Status Survey (NSGC PSS).

The researchers found the average time spent counseling participants was 66 minutes, with 39 percent of counseling sessions taking less time—45 to 60 minutes. Counselors spent an average of 18 minutes preparing for patients and 35 minutes completing a consultation summary. These patient care metrics are comparable to results from the 2016 NSGC PSS.

“This pilot study demonstrates the feasibility of providing consistent genetic counseling services to a diverse healthy cohort with cWGS results,” writes presenter Erica Ramos, from Illumina, in the abstract.

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