Association Representatives Say PAMA is #1 Concern for Lab Industry

Association Representatives Say PAMA is #1 Concern for Lab Industry

From - Diagnostic Testing & Emerging Technologies
In the kick-off event of G2 Intelligence's 2017 Laboratory Institute (Washington D.C.; Oct. 25-27), representatives of the biggest laboratory-related associations shared…

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“Applicable Labs”: The Fly in the PAMA Market-Based Pricing Ointment

“Applicable Labs”: The Fly in the PAMA Market-Based Pricing Ointment

From - Laboratory Industry Report
The lab industry has no objection to basing Medicare payments for lab tests on the actual rates charged to payors in the private market. What has the industry so upset is how…

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Association Representatives Say PAMA is #1 Concern for Lab Industry

Medicare Reimbursements: Part B Lab Payments Slightly Down for 2016, Reports OIG

From - National Intelligence Report
The OIG released its report on Medicare Part B payments for lab tests in 2016. The punchline: Lab payments over the past three years remain incredibly consistent in terms of…

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