Five Key Changes Affecting Labs in the New Spending Bill
While the federal spending bill passed at the end of 2022 will have a large impact on clinical labs, it doesn’t include LDTs reform.
While the federal spending bill passed at the end of 2022 will have a large impact on clinical labs, it doesn’t include LDTs reform.
Legislation offering permanent relief from both PAMA price cuts and reporting didn’t make it into the federal spending bill passed Dec. 23.
Though the federal spending bill passed at the end of December offers another year’s reprieve from PAMA price cuts, SALSA was not included.
Congress fails to include SALSA in the omnibus federal government spending bill passed at the end of 2022, but delays PAMA price cuts once again.
The FDA recently confirmed that a new rule requiring healthcare providers to notify patients of their breast density status will be released in late 2022 or early 2023.