Diagnostic Deals: A roundup of the key mergers, acquisitions, alliances, licenses and other strategic transactions from the past month

Although briskness in alliances partially offset sluggishness in M&A, October was far less dynamic than September for strategic deal making within the diagnostics sector. Here’s an overview of the key deals that did come down over the 4-week period beginning in late September 2019.

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FDA Watch: New Process for Simultaneous Review IVD Tests Used in Cancer Drug Trials

FDA Watch: New Process for Simultaneous Review IVD Tests Used in Cancer Drug Trials

Typically, in vitro diagnostic (IVDs) tests used in investigational cancer drug trials require two submissions: one for the IVD test and another for the drug. But on Oct. 9, the FDA issued final guidance allowing companies to submit for simultaneous review for the clinical trial.

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