Clinical Laboratories Continue to Figure Less Prominently in New OIG Enforcement Report

Clinical Laboratories Continue to Figure Less Prominently in New OIG Enforcement Report

From - G2 Compliance Advisor
The Office of Inspector General just published its most recent Semiannual Report to Congress. To the untrained eye, the newest OIG Report, which covers Oct. 1, 2016 through March 31, 2017, is not substantially different from…

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CMS Dished Out $729.4 Million in Wrongful EHR Incentive Payments & We’re Going to Get that Money Back

CMS Dished Out $729.4 Million in Wrongful EHR Incentive Payments & We’re Going to Get that Money Back

From - G2 Compliance Advisor
Wrongful payments of Electronic Health Records (EHR) incentives are at the focus of two of the month's biggest stories in health care compliance. The first came down on…

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