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The Dx Pipeline: A Roundup of the Month’s Key New Product Launches

by | Dec 18, 2017 | Dx Pipeline-lir, Essential, Laboratory Industry Report

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Here’s a rundown of the key diagnostic product launches from mid-October through November.



Company(ies) Product(s)
llumina NextSeq 550Dx NGS sequencer
llumina Expansion of existing MiSeq Dx platform to include formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues
Illumina S4 flow cell and reagent kit for its NovaSeq 6000 NGS instrument
Qiagen New consulting business to help life sciences and molecular diagnostics companies build and commercialize their products
Thermo Fisher Scientific MagMax DNA Multi-Sample Ultra 2.0 reagents for DNA extraction from blood, saliva, buffy coat and buccal swabs
Thermo Fisher Scientific Commercial launch of Applied Biosystems Axiom Africa Arrray for medical and population genomics for global health and population research
TwistDx kits TwistAmp Liquid liquid format recombinase polymerase amplification kits
BioDiscovery NxClinical 4.0, software for interrogation of copy number, sequence variants and allelic changes from single NGS assay
MedReleaf Canadian launch of ReleafDx genetic test to help physicians prescribe cannabis
3dbiosurfaces + DNAnexus CloudSeq suite of cloud-based tools supporting informatics infrastructure needs of customers using Illumina’s NovaSeq systems
Stratec Consumables 3D NS-NC slide, a microarray substrate
New England Biolabs NEBNext Ultra II FS Library Prep Kit for NGS enzyme-based DNA fragmentation and library preparation
SeraCare Life Sciences Seraseq Myeloid Mutation DNA Mix and Myeloid RNA Fusion Mix NGS reference material for hematologic malignancies
Invivoscribe Research use-only version of LymphoTrack TRB Assay for Illumina MiSeq sequencing platform
Dolomite Bio Nadia single-cell platform for single-cell RNA sequencing
Definiens Now offering Immuno-Oncology Panel (IO-Panel) as part of its “Insights” services portfolio
MGI Tech (subsidiary of BGI) MGISEQ-2000 and MGISEQ-200 NGS platforms
MGI Tech (subsidiary of BGI) MGIFLP modular NGS workstation
MGI Tech (subsidiary of BGI) MGIUS-R3 robotic ultrasound system
Admera Health PGxOnco test for cancer supportive care
Admera Health LiquidGx lineof liquid biopsy-based tests for tumor profiling and drug resistance monitoring
PerkinElmer Chemagic Prime automated nucleic acid isolation and assay setup instrument
Cancer Genetics AntigenID neoantigen service to identify neoantigens and neoantigen signatures
MNG Laboratories Diagnostic RNA sequencing services for patients with neurogenetic disorders
TTP + Primer pairs, group C and group G Streptococcus for use in molecular LDTs
Sphere Fluidics Cyto-Mine Single-Cell Analysis System platform for automating single-cell analysis, sorting, imaging and dispensing in biopharm discovery
Agilent Technologies First expansion of its SureGuide pooled CRISPR libraries for functional genomics
Tempus Tempus xT genome sequencing panel for diagnosis, prognosis and therapeutic targeting of cancer
Phosphorus Elements diagnostic genetic testing software platform
Desktop Genetics DESKGEN Series CRISPR Libraries to support gene editing in academics and biopharma
Genomenon Offering free version of its Mastermind genomic search engine for clinical, research and academic institutions

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