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We Want to Hear From You!

by | Feb 25, 2015 | Essential, Laboratory Industry Report

G2 Intelligence is conducting an online survey on the lab industry among lab directors, managers, and other lab management personnel who oversee the overall operation of the lab (test volume, revenue, test menu, etc.). You must be affiliated with an independent lab to qualify. If you qualify for and complete the entire survey (10-15 minutes in length), you will be given a Visa gift card of $25 as well as an executive summary of the report in exchange for your time and valued feedback. If you are interested, your may enter the following URL in your browser to start the survey: www.G2Intelligence.com/LabIndustrySurvey Only one person per lab is allowed to complete the survey. Any questions, please e-mail Jenny Xu at jxu@G2Intelligence.com. We look forward to your participation!

G2 Intelligence is conducting an online survey on the lab industry among lab directors, managers, and other lab management personnel who oversee the overall operation of the lab (test volume, revenue, test menu, etc.). You must be affiliated with an independent lab to qualify. If you qualify for and complete the entire survey (10-15 minutes in length), you will be given a Visa gift card of $25 as well as an executive summary of the report in exchange for your time and valued feedback. If you are interested, your may enter the following URL in your browser to start the survey: www.G2Intelligence.com/LabIndustrySurvey Only one person per lab is allowed to complete the survey. Any questions, please e-mail Jenny Xu at jxu@G2Intelligence.com. We look forward to your participation!

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