Special Focus: The Rise of Liquid Biopsy Testing

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December 22, 2015

Happy Holidays From G2 To You: Our Editors' Choice Articles

Lab and Pathology Insider will take a break for the holidays next Tuesday, Dec. 29. For this last issue of the Insider for 2015, our editors have provided excerpts from some top stories published this year in each of the G2 Intelligence newsletters, with links to the full articles. All Insider subscribers will have access to these Editors' Choice articles through Dec. 31. Insider will resume Jan. 5. Happy Holidays and Best Wishes for 2016 from all of us at G2 Intelligence!

Re-evaluate and Update Your Compliance Plans

By Marla Durben Hirsch, Contributing Writer, G2 Compliance Advisor

The Department of Justice (DOJ) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Office of Inspector General (OIG) have been very active in fraud prevention and enforcement, recovering $3.3 billion in taxpayer dollars in fiscal year…


Point-of-Care Tests Likely to Become Bigger Factor in Lab Business Moving Forward

By Ron Shinkman, Editor, Laboratory Industry Report

For decades, the mechanics of laboratory testing have been at a physical remove from the bulk of health care delivery. A blood draw or tissue sample is performed on a patient at one site and…


Special Focus: The Rise of Liquid Biopsy Testing

By Lori Solomon, Editor, Diagnostic Testing & Emerging Technologies

Early in the year DTET spoke to experts that predicted 2015 would be the year that liquid biopsy technology penetrates the clinical oncology market. These predictions did not disappoint. A near continuous stream of publications…


CMS Estimates 2016 PFS to Have Positive Impact on Pathology, Independent Labs

By Kelly A. Briganti, Editorial Director, G2 Intelligence

This past year brought many unwelcome reimbursement developments—most notably, the initial steps to implement PAMA; but it also included the repeal of the dreaded Sustainable Growth Rate. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid predicts the…


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