New Technologies to Enable Clinical Single Cell Analysis

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G2 LogoLab and Pathology Insider Logo
January 19, 2015

Lab Owner Settles False Claims Allegations for Up to $3.75 Million

By Kelly A. Briganti, Editorial Director, G2 Intelligence

The increased focus on individual responsibility, highlighted by last year's release of the Yates Memo, is borne out by a recent Department of Justice settlement with the former owner of a Virginia-based laboratory. Dr. David G. Bostwick, founder, owner and chief executive officer of Bostwick Laboratories between 1999 and 2011 agreed to…


End of Meaningful Use Is Nigh, Says Acting CMS Admin

By Stephanie Murg, Managing Director, G2 Intelligence

Just a few months ago, it was all systems go for Stage 3 of Meaningful Use—the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) program that awards incentives for using certified electronic health records to improve patient care…


Foundation Medicine Will Collaborate With Horizon on Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Profiling, Analysis

By Ron Shinkman, Editor, Laboratory Industry Report

Foundation Medicine will be collaborating with New Jersey's largest insurer and a firm that conducts comparative analysis of oncology patients to conduct comprehensive genomic profiling of patients with non-small cell…


New Technologies to Enable Clinical Single Cell Analysis

By Lori Solomon, Editor, Diagnostic Testing & Emerging Technologies

Personalized medicine is driving the need for isolation of rarer target cell populations, including for the enrichment of circulating tumor cells (CTCs), hematopoietic stem cells, and circulating fetal cells from blood. Current molecular analysis, while increasing biological understanding of cancer and other diseases at the DNA level…


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